Town of Ettrick regular meeting minutes for April 22, 2024

Meeting called to order. Members present: John Vehrenkamp, Mike Anderson, Natasha Olson

Others present: None

Motion to accept meeting minutes as presented by Mike, 2nd by Tasha, motion carried.

Town’s Association meeting is in Pigeon 4/23/24.

Got paperwork from Bruce Brovold for Astrup Ln deed dedication. We are going to table it until John can talk to Bruce again about.

Mike called Archie about the new mower delay, he doesn’t think it will be here until maybe beginning or middle of June. The tractor has already been delivered to Serwe to get mower installed. Mike will talk to him about a possible discount since we will be paying interest on the machine we will not get until June.

John got another call on the “sawmill” on Washington Coulee, he talked to Mark Carlson & he is aware of the issue and is trying to get him to zone his property commercial.

Tasha double checked the rates for money market & they are currently at 3% and thinks it is a good idea to start one up to set money aside for bigger purchases. Mike made a motion to take $1,000.00 to start a money market account, 2nd by Tasha, motion carried.

Eric wanted to bring up that at dumpster day on Saturday there were some village residents that were brining there tires here because it was cheaper. We will make sure to get with the village & make sure our prices are the same from now on.

Open Book is scheduled for May 14 1-3 p.m. and BOR is May 22 6-8 p.m.

There will be a public involvement meeting here on May 16 in regards to bridge replacement on Whalen Rd, the operational planning meeting is at 4 p.m. and the public meeting is 5:30 p.m.

Since our 2nd meeting in May is on Memorial Day 5/27, we will move that meeting up to May 23 @ 5:30 p.m.

Eric also asked if they could get paid every other week instead of twice a month. We will look into it.

Mike was asked by Frederixon’s about extending Arneson Ln for someone to build on it. John said they would be responsible for getting it surveyed & up to standard of current road and the legal paperwork involved to get registered at county. John said to have them come to a meeting to discuss it more.

Phil Borreson had talked to Eric saying he was going to get some gravel on his road where the guys turn around. The town will take care of maintaining this since we do use it as a turn around.

Went through mail & bills.

Approved checks: 24188-24200

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Kara J. Noren
